I'm starting to decorate for Christmas. Yesterday evening I put up a wreath on the front door, figuring it was out of Hero's reach. This morning I let him out and came back upstairs, and before long I heard an odd thudding sound. The front door is right beneath my office, so it wasn't hard to figure out what the thudding sound might be. I went downstairs and took a look, and sure enough, Hero was leaping energetically up on the front door, trying to get the wreath down so he could rip it to shreds. Clearly he thought it was a dog toy.
I stepped outside and told him firmly to "leave it alone," and he's respecting it... for now. I think it's likely, however, that my $30 wreath will wind up shredded on the front lawn at some point. Crazy dog.
The Christmas tree is likely to meet a similar fate if I let them have access to it. We've already decided we'll keep the dogs out of the family room while it's up, and leave off all the fragile ornaments this year, just in case they get in (which means it won't have a whole lot of ornaments, but oh well). I hate to banish my boys from the family room, but there is no way a tree is safe around a hundred pounds of rampaging Aussie. All it takes is one happy leap, and splat!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
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